I moved back to Japan in Dec 2018 and I’ve been super busy last year because of fluctuation of my life, but now I’m writing this as I realized I got used to do many things.

I’m going to tell you about my task management.

I was using iPhone app Taskuma that you can organize all of tasks for a day in minutely basis, but I decided to stop using it because I’d been stressed out with it due to tiredness. It’s tough to ask yourself to be perfect when you are exhausted. I feel comfortable without it right now. Though I use it when I’m busy sometimes. Taskuma is the best app for organize your daily life.

However, Bullet Journal, Trello and Workflowy are the best tools for me to organize things about myself at this moment.

BUJO is really enjoyable for me and I change the format every time I shift to new notebook. It’s really fun.

I’ll post again sometime soon.

By neza


